#HCSummerRefresh: Day 3

Welcome to the third day of the first Humanities Commons Summer Refresh Workshop! Today we’re focusing on the CORE Repository. The importance of taking time to refresh your digital presence through CORE is twofold. First, we hope that a greater awareness of the open access materials available in the CORE Repository will help you to locate helpful documents as you design your courses, build projects, and complete research in the future. Second, by uploading your work to CORE, you will increase your readership, strengthen your digital presence, help build our open access repository, and establish a direct connection between your HC profile and your work.

To complete today’s component of the workshop…

Take a moment to reflect on the various blogs, conference papers, class materials, syllabi, abstracts, articles, creative work, white papers, etc. that you’ve created in the last year. Out of these pieces, which are you able to upload to CORE?  Upload at least one new document to CORE! Share your upload with this summer group by selecting the Humanities Commons Summer Camp group on the form when prompted to choose groups.

For those new to HC…

 Learn how to find CORE deposits relevant to your interests, upload your work, and share your upload with a specific group here. 


Let’s chat about the CORE Repository! Answer any of the questions below or add questions of your own by responding to this post on our group page.

  • What did/will you upload to CORE? Share the link with us!
  •  Do you have any questions or hesitations about uploading to CORE?
  • What do you hope to gain out of uploading your work to CORE? Which of the benefits of CORE made you want to upload your work the most?