Challenge #6: Reflect and Plan

Welcome to your sixth and final challenge. Congratulations- you’ve made it to the end!

The Challenge

For this challenge, I want you to take time to look back at all that you’ve built this summer. You should be proud of all you’ve accomplished! I also want to challenge you to make a plan for the future: how can you realistically continue the momentum you’ve created this summer to ensure that you persist in maintaining and growing your digital presence?

To complete this challenge, you must add a response to our Challenge #6 discussion thread answering some of all of the following questions:

  1. What are you most proud/happy/excited about learning/creating during the HC Summer Camp?
  2. Are there any questions you still have regarding anything that we’ve learned this summer?
  3. How do you plan to continue maintaining and building your digital presence? Which platforms will you update and how often? How will you remember to update them? Make sure that the goals you set are realistic and compatible with your other responsibilities.
  4. Do you have any feedback for myself and the HC team regarding either the HC Summer Camp or HC in general? Is there any way that we can improve? If we were to host another summer camp next year, what would be helpful topics to cover? Is there anything about the HC Summer Camp that you would change or improve? Is there anything that you would like to keep the same?
  5. Is there anything else you’d like to share?

If you’d prefer to share any or all of your responses to the above questions privately, please send them to me either via a private message on Humanities Commons or through my email,

Beyond Summer Camp

Thank you again for participating in all of our challenges this summer. The active discussion and community support that you provided is what made this summer camp a success.

If you ever want to check back on our discussions or on any of the challenge blog posts in the future, you will be able to do so: both the site and group will remain online.

Finally, if anyone is interested either in sharing your thoughts on your #HCSummerCamper experience or if you’d like to discuss a project you’ve built on Humanities Commons, I’d love to speak with you! I’m currently seeking HC users to interview for the HC Team Blog. If interested, please send me an email and let me know what you’d like us to discuss.

Final Thoughts

If you’re on Twitter, please share your super-camper status using our #HCSummerCamper hashtag. You should also consider sharing the many things you’ve created and learned throughout our six challenges on social media!

I look forward to hearing your responses to our final reflection and planning challenge.

If you have any questions or if you run into any issues, fear not! Your camp director is here to help. Reach out to the Humanities Commons Summer Camp through any of the following contacts:

Humanities Commons: Post your question/concern as a new discussion thread in our HC Group.

Twitter: @humcommons

Email: or